China Olympic ceremony star mimed
By Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing
Yang Peiyi (L) had the perfect voice, but Lin Miaoke had the perfect face
A pretty girl who won national fame after singing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was only miming.
Wearing a red dress and pigtails, Lin Miaoke charmed a worldwide audience with a rendition of "Ode to the Motherland".
But the singer was Yang Peiyi, who was not allowed to appear because she is not as "flawless" as nine-year-old Lin.
The show's musical director said Lin was used because it was in the best interests of the country.
The revelation follows news that a fireworks display used during the opening ceremony was apparently faked.
'Smiling angel'
Speaking on Beijing Radio station, musical director Chen Qigang said the organisers needed a girl with both a good image and a good voice.
Lin Miaoke performs at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
They faced a dilemma because although Lin was prettier, seven-year-old Yang had the better voice, Mr Chen said.
"After several tests, we decided to put Lin Miaoke on the live picture, while using Yang Peiyi's voice," he told the radio station.
"The reason for this is that we must put our country's interest first," he added.
"The girl appearing on the picture must be flawless in terms of her facial expression and the great feeling she can give to people."
Singer Lin, who is being called the "smiling angel", has already become a media celebrity because of her performance.
She told state-run China Daily that she felt "beautiful" in the red dress she wore during the performance.
Her dad told the newspaper that she already had fans all over the country.
According to Chinese news reports, Yang said she did not regret the decision, saying she was satisfied to have had her voice featured in the opening ceremony.
This is the second "fake" story about the opening ceremony
Viewers around the world saw a display in which 29 firework "footprints" travelled across Beijing from south to north.
But a senior official from the Beijing organising committee (Bocog) confirmed on Tuesday that footage of the display had been produced before the big night.
This was provided to broadcasters for "convenience and theatrical effects", according to Wang Wei, Bocog's executive vice-president.
"Because of poor visibility, some previously recorded footage may have been used," he told a daily press conference.
PS: 奧運開幕會上唱歌的紅衣小女孩,原來,並不是原聲唱,聲音,是另外ㄧ個小女孩的~之後,朋友在依妹兒裡提起,並覺得遺憾! 再稍後,讀了以上的新聞,我也覺得出乎意外! 原本,在看完開幕大秀後,我依妹兒和加國的兩位朋友聊天,當時,我說整場大秀中,最讓我覺得這個國家已經有變化的部份,就是兩個小朋友自然的歌聲和舉止~穿紅洋裝,歌喉自然的小女孩! 還有ㄧ個是走在姚明身旁的小男孩,他走姿自然,看來怡然自得,沒有裝挺裝威顧四方! 再就是各國運動員入場時,很多國家的運動員邊走邊拍照,跳躍,嘻鬧,和觀眾揮手咧大嘴歡笑,有些還做搞怪好笑的動作~我跟朋友說,無妨~The Game~遊戲嘛!
- Aug 21 Thu 2008 20:06
妳的臉我的嘴~轉貼China Olympic ceremony star mimed