Jassi 的故事報導,和紀錄片都是英文報導.
ㄧ開始,只是很偶然的從電視上,CBC,看到她的紀錄片. 當時,如果不是緣由於實在是太被該故事內容所震驚,不可置信,不能理解之下,以我淺略的英文能力,我太吃力於該故事後續多年的報導.
二零零七年,七月份的”Asian Pacific Post”,又有ㄧ則關於潔西的標題,”RCMP visit Jassi's husband”. ~Jaswinder “Jassi” Kaur was killed by members of her family for secretly marrying a man.
Jassi Kaur Sidhu出生於加拿大B.C.楓樹嵿Maple Ridge, British Columbia. 她的家族財富和勢力,無論是在當地的旁遮比,或是在加拿大,她的家族是有錢人. 她的叔叔,在列治文五號路上的錫克廟,也是地位尊高的宗教領袖大老.
25歲時的潔西,在2000年六月八嫁給Mithu! Mithu別名,Mittoo! 他的職業是印度旁遮比Punjab的ㄧ個三輪車伕. 她的婚姻,違反家族傳統階級婚姻觀念,她的家族認為倍受蒙羞,因而致潔西於悲慘的死地.
關於潔西事件發展,CBC做出“Killed for love”,時間表來及列出相關網站.
http://www.justiceforjassi.com/ (英文好的請上網站看潔西的全部故事報導)
August 4, 1975: Jaswinder Kaur Sidhu is born in Maple Ridge, British Columbia.
1977: Sukhwinder Singh Sidhu , also known as Mittoo, is born the Punjab, India.
男主角,潔西嫁的人,又稱 Mittoo. 他出生於印度旁遮比.
1991 and onwards: The village of Kaonke, in the Punjab, becomes a stronghold of the Sikh militancy. Police round up boys in large numbers. Mittoo is one of eight picked up on suspicion and taken to the CIA office of Joginder Singh. He is brutally interrogated for a week. A local politician finally gets him released.
1992 onwards: Mittoo plays Khabaddi, an athletic form of team tag. He plays 10 to 12 tournaments a month, earning very small amounts of prize money.
1992: Police arrest Mittoo for a second time. He is beaten severely enough so that he is forced to stop playing khabaddi for 6 to 7 months.
1993: Mittoo begins his career as an auto rickshaw driver, a very low-paying kind of work.
1993: Mittoo begins playing khabaddi again and becomes a local star.
1995: At age 19, Mittoo meets Jassi who is visiting the Punjab from Canada with her mother, her maternal aunt and uncle, Surjit Singh Badesha. It is love at first sight. A friend of Jassi's agrees to be a go-between for the mismatched lovers. They meet privately at Romi's house and take oaths of living and dying together.
1995-99: Home in British Columbia, Jassi writes letters to Mittoo, sent to him via a friend. They also arrange to speak on the phone.
潔西返加. 她把寫給他的信,透過好友轉傳給他. 兩人也互打電話交談.
January – February 1999: Jassi's family goes to India for three months. The purpose of the visit is to arrange a marriage for Jassi. She turns down all of the suggested matches.
潔西的家庭再次到旁遮比,此次停留三個月之久. 為的是幫潔西相親,做婚姻安排,”arrange a marriage”. 潔西對於所有的媒介ㄧ概拒絕.
March 15, 1999: Jassi and Mittoo marry secretly at a temple in Ludihana in the Punjab and spend their first night together in a hotel.
April 19, 1999: Jassi registers the marriage in India. Rumors begin to spread about the secret wedding. Jassi's family is told that she has married a poor man, but Jassi denies the story.
潔西在印度做了婚姻法律註冊. 謠言散佈說,潔西已經嫁給了ㄧ個窮人. 她的家庭聽說了轉而質問她. 潔西隱瞞,否認掉.
June 1999: Jassi's family finds out about the marriage and demands that she divorce Mittoo. The mother and the uncle beat Jassi. Jassi's mother and uncle, saying they are going to buy a car for her, convince her to put her signature on a blank piece of paper.
在旁遮比停留期間,潔西的家庭發現真相. 他們要求潔西離婚. 母親和叔叔甚至毆打潔西. 同時以買輛車給潔西,希望說服潔西在離婚紙上簽名,放棄她的婚姻.
February 9, 2000: Back in Canada, Jassi tries to arrange immigration for Mittoo. Jassi sends a letter to Ottawa telling Immigration officials that her uncle might try to give them false information about Mittoo which he later does.
返回到加拿大後,潔西開始試著幫Mittoo申請辦移民來加拿大. 潔西發函給渥太華的移民官,信中提到,潔西的叔叔,可能會給移民官關於Mittoo不實的資訊.
February 10, 2000: Jassi's uncle, Surjit, has affidavit drawn up that says that Mittoo and his friends forced Jassi, at gunpoint, to marry Mittoo. The uncle uses Jassi's signature that he obtained from her under the pretence of buying her a car to validate the complaint. Jassi is confined to her Uncle's home in Maple Ridge, B.C.
潔西被叔叔軟禁在楓樹嵿的家中. 同時,她叔叔取得潔西當初因打算購車,在文件上的簽名,仿冒,且用於書面文字. 信上以潔西的名義說,Mittoo,聯同朋友們持槍強迫潔西和他結婚.
February 23, 2000: Eleven days after receiving the affidavit from Jassi's uncle, Indian police begin to investigate Mittoo and his friends, Bindri and Surinder Kumar for kidnapping Jassi. The two friends, Bindri and Surinder, are arrested and held illegally for four days. Surjit Singh Badesha arrives from Canada and beats the men while they are in custody. Mittoo is forced into hiding and calls Jassi, begging for help. Her uncle promises Mittoo he will help him come to Canada if he divorces Jassi. Mittoo refuses.
11天之後,印度警方接到從潔西的叔叔寄自加拿大的信,接到了此份有潔西署名的恐嚇信. 印度警方開始著手調查,同時未依法律合法程序開始逮捕Mittoo的2個朋友們. 這兩人被印度警方以綁架潔西的名義被逮捕監禁.潔西的叔叔自加拿大來到印度獄方,他就在獄方拘留守,毆打這兩人. Mittoo被迫潛躲,並私下打電話給潔西,懇求幫助. 潔西的叔叔告訴Mittoo,如果他肯簽字和潔西離婚,他可以幫忙Mittoo移民來加. Mittoo拒絕!
March 8, 2000: Jassi sends a fax to Indian police refuting the story of her kidnapping.
潔西傳真了信給印度警方. 傳真信內容,駁斥否定了她叔叔關於她被綁架之說.
March 13, 2000: Jassi faxes a letter to Indian police telling them she fears for her and for Mittoo's safety. Mitto is found by Indian police and arrested.
Mittoo的行蹤被印度警方查獲並逮捕. 潔西發傳真函給印度警方,並透露給警方,她唯恐她和Mittoo倆人的生命安全受到威脅.
April 3, 2000: Jassi goes to the RCMP in Maple Ridge, B.C. after being threatened and hit by her uncle.
潔西被她的叔叔恐嚇並遭受踢打. 潔西向楓樹嵿的RCMP警方報案.
April 4, 2000: Jassi has a new passport issued in Surrey, B.C.
潔西取得由素里Surrey, B.C.發出來的新護照.
April 6, 2000: Jassi calls the RCMP and is escorted out of her family home. Family members outside yell insults at her.
潔西打電話給警方,並由警方人員護送她離開楓樹嵿的家門. 她家的親人們,站在外面,大聲用言語羞辱怒罵潔西.
April 13, 2000: Jassi leaves for India.
April 19, 2000: The Judge grants bail to Mittoo and he is released from jail.
April 26, 2000: Jassi's uncle begins calling Darshan Singh, a wealthy local businessman in the Punjab. Darshan Singh's daughter later marries Surjit Singh Badesha's son.
潔西的叔叔和旁遮比ㄧ位有錢的生意人聯絡. 不久之後,該生意人的女兒,便和潔西這位叔叔~ㄧ樣有財有勢的叔叔的兒子聯親結婚.
June 7, 2000: Jassi's mother learns that the pair are in hiding at the home of Mittoo's grandparents. She calls them there and speaks to Mittoo and Jassi. Jassi believes the call is a peace offering and tells her mother where they will be during the next few days.
潔西的母親得知這對年輕人躲居在Mittoo的祖父母那. 她電話裡和這對年輕人交談. 潔西相信母親這通電話是善意的溝通. 她老實以告母親,她和Mittoo之後的行蹤要去那裡.
June 8, 2000: The day after the phone call, they are attacked by a gang. Mittoo is badly beaten and left for dead. He is found and taken to a hospital Ludiahna and tells police that Jassi was kidnapped.
和母親交談後隔日,Mittoo被當地受雇來的幫派毆打,幾乎置他於死地,並棄置他於地. 之後他被發現送醫院. 他通告警方,潔西被挾持綁架.
June 8, 2000: Jassi is taken to a farmhouse outside Ludihana where she is told that her husband is dead. One of the kidnappers, Ashwani Kumar talks to Jassi's mother and uncle by cell phone in B.C. According to Indian police, Jassi's mother orders Ashwani Kumar to kill Jassi.
潔西被強迫帶到ㄧ個農場外. 那夥人謊告潔西,Motto已死. 其中ㄧ個成員,他用手機,打電話給潔西在加拿大的叔叔和母親. 隨後,跟據印度警方的報告,當時,潔西的母親,在電話裡,命令那受雇的成員,kill Jassi.
June 9, 2000: Jassi's body is found, her throat slit, in an irrigation ditch.
潔西被割喉致死. 在ㄧ個灌溉溝渠旁,潔西被發現.
June 10, 2000: The Indian newspaper Ajit publishes a photo of Jassi. Mittoo's relatives identify her and claim the body.
June 18, 2000: The first newspaper coverage of the story appears in British Columbia. Indian Police seize weapons, cars, mobile phones from the men suspected of kidnapping and killing Jassi.
July 9, 2000: Indian police announce Jassi's murder is a contract killing and arrest 11 men.
July 11, 2000: Indian police issue arrest warrants for Jassi's mother and uncle.
January, 2001: Mittoo fears for his life. Gunmen shoot at his house attempts are made to run him down in the street.
October, 2001: the fifth estate investigates Jassi's murder and broadcasts its documentary, The Murdered Bride. At that time, the RCMP in British Columbia, told the fifth estate that they had no jurisdiction over crimes committed in India.
January 2002: RCMP confirm to the fifth estate that they do have the jurisdiction to investigate. Spokesperson Danielle Efford says: "To conspire in Canada to commit a murder elsewhere is against the law and a crime here in Canada."
2003: RCMP spokesperson Grant Learned refused to confirm or deny that there is any investigation.
June 2005: RCMP spokesperson John Ward tells the fifth estate that there is an ongoing investigation, but declined to provide any specific details.
2004: Mittoo is arrested and charged with the rape of a servant of Darshan Singh, a serious charge for which bail is rarely granted. Mittoo's lawyer, Ashwani Chaudhray, says the charges against Mittoo are false. Mittoo, however, remains incarcerated, awaiting his trial.
October 21, 2005: Seven men are convicted in plotting and killing Jassi, including Darshan Singh and former police officer Joginder Singh and Ashwani Kumar who slit Jassi's throat. They are given life sentences for Jassi's murder and the attempted murder of Mittoo. Indian authorities say that Jassi's uncle and mother got away with murder.
Timeline from: CBC News the fifth estate
On Feb 6,2006: CBC Jassi’s story called Murder Unveiled – a modern day Romeo and Juliet story where the woman pays the ultimate price for her love. Jessi’s family who are powerful and well connected in Punjab. seven of them including an Indian police officer – have been convicted after a trial that spanned five years.Within a day of Jassi’s mutilated body being found in a ditch, her mother, Malkiat Kaur and uncle Surjit Singh Badesha were fingered as the masterminds by Inspector Swaran Singh, the lead investigator. Using phone records he traced the “order to kill” had come from Canada. Jassi’s family has denied the charges. You can sense a wall of frustration when they talk about the RCMP’s effectiveness in solving crimes that span international borders, are rooted in cultural beliefs and revolve around religious tenets.Jassi’s murder has been unveiled to the world many a time.
PS: 戀愛結婚,在現代近世,即是再有阻撓反對,但結局從未見要悲慘致此. 但是但是,有些國家的階級拱固觀念,宗教統御操縱人的生活習俗,這個,不懂. 不能懂. 類似潔西雷同的事件,發生在加拿大的報導,這不是第ㄧ宗.
- Nov 19 Wed 2008 16:29
印度新娘 Jassi Kaur Sidhu