文摘: Mr. Wu在Richmond,近期的社區報,”The Richmond News”上,以讀者投書的方式,口語激烈來抱怨說,他所住的“Thompson area“社區,在近週裡,因為大型客機從他們的社區頂空飛越,因此破壞了他們住宅區的安寧. 飛行起落所發出的噪音,令人不堪忍受,厭煩惱怒.
Thompson area每棟房價超過八十萬加幣,他們絕對不可讓溫哥華國際機場因飛機飛越其住宅區頂空,破壞他們生活安寧,並造成房價貶值.
請機場方面不要測試他們的耐心和寬容度. 請機場立即停止客機橫越其住宅頂空,並對該社區做出apology.

讀者,Mrs.D. Rempel的回應:




我建議下一次,如果Wu要出境遠行時,當你看到飛機在跑道上滑行時,你可以立即要求駕駛員改飛東西強風向. 這方向的飛行,有可能造成失事,但是,至少,你的鄰居們不會被飛行噪音打擾啦.

PS. 網站上說,“Richmond is the home of Vancouver International Airport and two International Seaports”

Wu所住的Thompson area是近年新建的獨立屋社區,水泥豪宅,草坪面積不大. 社區整齊ㄧ致. Fraser River灣沿近社區. 沿河有提岸. ㄧ年四季早晚都有人沿著堤防慢跑遛狗騎腳踏車或雙臂擺動步伐快走.

機場離此社區近. 河上還不時有水上飛機起落頻繁.
八十萬的房子是豪宅. 市長省長應該住得沒有Wu這麼豪華. Wu是那裡來的憨頭呢? Canadian不會問詢人家的房價多少錢. 那是很粗魯的行為. 相對的,我們也不會對著媒體嚷嚷說我的房子要價八十萬以上. 這樣的姿態,雖說氣勢奪人,卻也不免顯得好粗俗.

豪宅的定義因人而異. 跨橋到溫哥華,從West 4 Ave to Kitsllanouㄧ帶,那邊的房子ㄧ棟棟,造型獨特,花木扶疏,大樹夾道,社區風味迷人. 沿著SW Marine DR.到UBC,那ㄧ帶的房子更是深宅大院. 有view有百年蔥蔥鬱鬱的綠林和修剪整齊的樹牆.


The Editor,
Re: "Noise from jets unbearable" the News letters, Jan. 9.
It is very unfortunate that T. Wu is so distressed over the noise from jets flying over his neighborhood of expensive homes. That the Vancouver Airport would have the nerve to decide to send those noisy jets over Wu and his neighbours' expensive homes, ("uncalled for," he stated). It must be hard for Wu to understand. I too live under the flight path of the cross-runway, although I am likely discounted because I only live in a condo, not an $800,000 house.
In case Mr. Wu doesn't know it, airplanes most safely take off and land into the prevailing wind. The stronger the winds, the more imperative it is that the planes (especially the larger ones) take off this way. A large jet such as a 747 or A-340 could easily crash if the cross-winds are too strong.
Anyway, back in 1961 the airport planners realized that the wind does indeed blow from the south or southeast at a pretty good clip from time to time, and it would be a good idea to install a cross-runway for those occasions when the wind was blowing hard enough to pose a safety risk to aircraft taking off east-west or vise-versa. It is indeed too bad that the airport authority did not have the foresight of considering that Wu and his neighbours might one day live below that maddening sound! And to think some had to pay over $800,000 for their homes only to be bombarded by jet noise! Did he not know there was an airport right beside him when he moved there?
I would suggest that next time Wu or his loved ones decide to fly somewhere and it looks like the plane will depart on the cross runway, he immediately ask the pilot to move to the east-west runway. The plane might crash, but at least Wu and the other passengers could perish knowing their neighbours weren't disturbed.
D. Rempel

Noise from jets unbearable
The Editor,
I am writing on behalf of our neighbourhood in the Thompson area of Richmond to complain about YVR sending its commercial flights southwards into our neighbourhood. This action is uncalled for, and it is disturbing and invading our peaceful living at our own homes.
For the past week, YVR has had continuous commercial flights over our homes on three different occasions, each lasting for hours. The latest one is this morning (Sunday, Jan. 7) starting at 9:06 a.m. and it is still going on as we speak (it's been two hours now). The noises are unbearable, annoying, irritating and most of all, intrusive.
YVR had never sent commercial flights and 747s toward this direction, and it is to our understanding that it isn't even their usual flight path. So, why all of a sudden within one week have they flown over our homes at three different occasions in a continuous, flight after flight fashion?
We hope that they are not testing our patience and tolerance on this matter as any flights at any time flying over our homes is absolutely unacceptable. People who live in this neighbourhood paid more than $800,000 for their homes and we are not about to let YVR destroy our peaceful enjoyment within them or allow them to devalue our homes with their flights.
We demand them to stop all flights over our homes and to send their immediate apology to our neighbourhood and all those who were affected by them in the City of Richmond.
We really don't want our neighbourhood to become what had happened in the Bridgeport/Cambie districts.
T. Wu

published on 01/09/2007

    移民 加拿大 豪宅
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