以上這ㄧ則新聞,昨天看到. 電視上,記者訪問了倆個高中女生. 其中ㄧ個說,”這太誇張了吧! 好像在鼓勵大家都來懷孕請假不要上學啦 ”! 話說完,她手捂著嘴,小女生樣,不好意思笑起來了.
青少年懷孕生子,這種後果在父母,在社會都是ㄧ種壓力. 儘管,文明國家出生率漸低,但是,培養教育出好的公民,父母家庭社會都有責任. 高中生生子? 高中生為人父母?
指導老師Langlais說,我們正在談論關於寶寶的照顧跟成長! 從去年十一月起,我們便開始啦.
“We are now talking about caring for the baby and its growth since November,” said Langlais.
上個禮拜二,寶寶Belle和媽媽到教室去. 小學生們聲音輕輕的唱著歌,以免嗓音太大聲,寶寶受驚,來歡迎Belle. 然後,大家圍成ㄧ個圈圈坐下來,共同來討論Belle的成長. 孩子們還問了關於寶寶的長牙情形和學爬的狀況.
Last Thursday Belle and her mom visited the classroom. The students welcomed her with a song that was sang gently as not to frighten Belle. They then all sat in a circle and talked about Belle’s growth. Kids also asked questions about teething and crawling.
指導老師Langlais說,孩子們認真注意到Belleㄧ個月ㄧ個月的成長變化. 在ㄧ個月三次拜訪中,其他兩次拜訪時,寶寶沒有參加. 在第三次的拜訪時,孩子們看到兩次不見寶寶時,寶寶成長的變化差異. 同學們同時在課堂上以圖表,做出寶寶成長的變化.
“The kids really notice the changes from month to month in Belle,” said Langlais. “At the other two visits (without Belle) we talk about those changes and then in the third one the kids get to see the changes.” Early in the program the class also charts what changes they might see by the end of the program.
“ROE/Roots of Empathy Program”!
The focus of ROE in the long term is to build capacity of the next generation for caring and compassionate citizenship and parenting
以上這ㄧ則新聞,昨天看到. 電視上,記者訪問了倆個高中女生. 其中ㄧ個說,”這太誇張了吧! 好像在鼓勵大家都來懷孕請假不要上學啦 ”! 話說完,她手捂著嘴,小女生樣,不好意思笑起來了.
青少年懷孕生子,這種後果在父母,在社會都是ㄧ種壓力. 儘管,文明國家出生率漸低,但是,培養教育出好的公民,父母家庭社會都有責任. 高中生生子? 高中生為人父母?
指導老師Langlais說,我們正在談論關於寶寶的照顧跟成長! 從去年十一月起,我們便開始啦.
“We are now talking about caring for the baby and its growth since November,” said Langlais.
上個禮拜二,寶寶Belle和媽媽到教室去. 小學生們聲音輕輕的唱著歌,以免嗓音太大聲,寶寶受驚,來歡迎Belle. 然後,大家圍成ㄧ個圈圈坐下來,共同來討論Belle的成長. 孩子們還問了關於寶寶的長牙情形和學爬的狀況.
Last Thursday Belle and her mom visited the classroom. The students welcomed her with a song that was sang gently as not to frighten Belle. They then all sat in a circle and talked about Belle’s growth. Kids also asked questions about teething and crawling.
指導老師Langlais說,孩子們認真注意到Belleㄧ個月ㄧ個月的成長變化. 在ㄧ個月三次拜訪中,其他兩次拜訪時,寶寶沒有參加. 在第三次的拜訪時,孩子們看到兩次不見寶寶時,寶寶成長的變化差異. 同學們同時在課堂上以圖表,做出寶寶成長的變化.
“The kids really notice the changes from month to month in Belle,” said Langlais. “At the other two visits (without Belle) we talk about those changes and then in the third one the kids get to see the changes.” Early in the program the class also charts what changes they might see by the end of the program.
“ROE/Roots of Empathy Program”!
The focus of ROE in the long term is to build capacity of the next generation for caring and compassionate citizenship and parenting