壽司,不是日本人的家常飯嗎? 日本人在家裡不是常常吃壽司嗎? 壽司對日本人來說,貴啊?
“The Canadian Immigrant”是一份免費的報紙月刊,專門報導移民狀況. 同時也藉著報紙發行量趨升迅速,常常替移民發聲,ㄧ邊介紹加拿大的文化給移民暸解,另邊呢,常有專題發文請政府對移民做出識時務的配套措施,聽聽移民的問題.
在五月份的期刊裡,” Ethnic Community Profile
Of sushi and sakura”,裡面談到壽司, “Sushi anyone?”!
Hidekazu Tojo在溫哥華開了家日本料裡餐廳. 他矮個子,大光頭,額頭上總是繫著ㄧ條布帶巾,在側邊打個結. Tojon桑,八字眉,ㄧ字鬍,身穿日式對襟交叉的和服,常常出現在日本餐飲美食節目中談論示範做壽司和殺西米. 他人矮,Chef的架勢和廚藝大概了得,所以昂然自信,看起來大丈夫樣.
在”Sushi anyone”文中他說起,,,.
Sushi is very expensive in Japan and is not something that people eat everyday. 壽司在日本是很貴的,並不像別的某些食物天天都吃的
Raw fish cannot make you sick. 吃生魚不會讓你生病.
The B.C. roll (barbecued salmon-skin roll) is available in Japan as well! B.C.的烤三文魚捲,在日本同時也很流行的.
Tomaki nori (seaweed) is thick and crispy and is the best nori to use for sushi. “Tomaki nori”海苔厚而且口感爽脆,這是做壽司用最好的海苔.
Good sushi depends on the quality of ingredients; Tojo-san says eating sushi without sauces makes it very easy to tell if the sushi is good or not. 好壽司要靠高品質的材料. 吃壽司免沾醬料,好不好吃入口即知.
Tojon桑說,” Sushi is very expensive in Japan and is not something that people eat everyday. 壽司在日本是很貴的,並不像別的某些食物天天都吃的“!
And Yes, Sushi is not a daily meal for us - rice is not a
big deal, we Japanese eat everyday, but fish - fresh raw
fish is the key. Fish which has a great quality tend to be a little bit expensive, but since most of Sushi contain raw fish, you don't want to take a risk either. That is why Sushi is a) expensive, b) not a daily meal. Sushi used to be a meal for birthday or special occasion.
是的! 壽司不是我們的日常餐食~~~我們日本人吃米沒錯. 但是魚~~~重點是在新鮮的生魚. 鮮魚品質高,價格自然略貴. 但,大部份的壽司是魚生壽司,我們不想因腐敗的魚遭殃,這就是為什麼壽司貴而且不是我們的日常餐食的原因.