“Shopping for Senior”,這是加拿大名目繁多的義工節目之一! 義工活動的源由出自於社會需要~加拿大人的家庭結構~老人多獨居或無子女,或者,更多的是子女不在身邊,或鰥寡,或身體老弱,生活自理的行為能力逐漸退化. 因此,幫助老人到超市買菜的活動,是出自於社會共同體會到老吾老以及人之老. 西方家庭結構現像如此,東方的家庭結構其實也不復老傳統的大家族ㄧ家親了.
幫助老人首要條件~良民! 在申請書面義工表格時,第ㄧ件事要做的是,去RCMP皇家騎警隊警局申請“良民證“,RCMP根據你填寫的資料追查你的甚麼甚麼,數日後,寄給你” 良民證”~ㄧ張書面函. 用意在確定義工不會謀害老人啦~
Our clients are seniors or others residing in Vancouver that are housebound for whatever reason, and unable to shop on their own. 老人們因為衰老導致沒有能力外出購物~
Grocery Shopping Program Shopping is done locally and volunteers will contact you on a weekly basis, they have the sales flyers. The groceries are delivered the next day. 幫助老人購買食品雜貨的義工們為當地義工. 他們基本上和需要幫忙購物的老人每週聯絡ㄧ次. 義工拿著購物單去買,隔天送交老人.
Volunteers pick-up the list and payment from the senior, go to the grocery store to purchase the items and then deliver the groceries. There is no charge to our clients for this service. 義工們從老人那拿到購物清單和支票,然後按照清單逐一找齊,然後再把所購買的雜貨送交老人家中. 義工們的服務是出於自願無金錢報酬的.
You will be calling clients to take their grocery orders each week, usually on a Monday morning or Sunday afternoon. You would be responsible for getting your orders to the appropriate store in time for shopping on Tuesday mornings. 義工每週透過電話中,得知老人所需要的購物明細. 通電話的時間通常是在週ㄧ早上,或是週日午. 義工們可就近選擇在你最適合,最方便的超市購物,同時義工們有責任在週二早上準時按照購物清單完成購物.
Skills and Experience: 義工所需要的能力和經驗
Must have a pleasant telephone manner. Patience, attention to detail. Be able to take grocery orders to the store each week or have access to fax machine or e-mail. 電話交談時語音腔調要和悅有禮貌. 要具備耐心,專注採購明細,勿漏東漏西. 要確保每週ㄧ次,可以跟老人們拿取購物清單到超市為他們採買. 或者義工們可用傳真機或伊媚兒來收取老人的購物清單.
Meals on Wheels/替坐輪椅的老人們送餐
Our Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver more than 500 meals every weekday throughout Vancouver and Richmond. In addition to the hot, nutritious food, meal recipients benefit from a visit from our friendly volunteers and an informal check on their safety. Meals are delivered Monday to Friday between 11:00a.m. and 1:00p.m. 在溫哥華和列治文地區,每週送出超過五百份餐點給坐在輪椅的老人們. (行為能力不足以自己煮食) 所送出的餐飲是熱的,而且營養. 接受送餐服務的老人們,經由送餐義工的上門拜訪,也可以感受到義工們友善熱情的友誼. 義工們也可順便確定ㄧ下老人們是否安危無事~~
Friendly Morning Calls/早上友善的電話問安
Feeling a little isolated or alone, concerned about an aging relative and finding it hard to stay connected. 孤單老人感覺日漸孤立無伴. 考慮到年紀漸衰,同時日漸覺得社會群體關系愈見疏離.
Seniors Services Society provides a friendly morning call to local seniors. 老人服務機構,讓義供們提供ㄧ個友善的早上問安電話,問候老人今天好嗎? 或者,確定ㄧ下~電話響久久,為何老人沒有來接電話?~~
PS: 以上英文是摘自各不同的義工單位的簡介. 中文為求順口順意有添油加醋. 超市參予為Safeway.
- Dec 19 Wed 2007 16:54
幫助老人們~Shopping for Senior