今年的復活節在四月四日! 時間還沒到,報上已經幾翻刊文做宣導,懇請民眾勿買兔子當禮物來送小孩!
復活節的主角是彩蛋和可愛的兔子! 繪畫彩蛋很好玩,烏克蘭的彩繪蛋藝猶其精巧精緻! 兔子也好可愛! 可是ㄧ般民眾買了兔子後,不知養兔子,其實麻煩多多! Minoru Park十幾年前我們在公園散步時,兔蹤稀見! 現在,不說公園隨處有兔子來照面,連圖書館前的小徑,甚至花壇上,都有兔子在吃花! 兔子的皮毛混的好多款,毛色光滑,隻隻肥墩墩也不怕人! 當然人經過也不擾牠們,甚至還喜歡蹲下身來噓噓叫喚牠們來哪!
兔子繁殖量驚人! 公園有兔蹤跟前跟後~牠們認為人來會有吃的! 松鼠也是跟前跟後!
兔子挖洞啃草皮! 公園管局和SPCA好頭痛! SPCA是動物的避難所! 棄養的貓狗兔等動物SPCA會接手! 但也是有限空間有限金錢!
復活節快到了! 兔子和蛋要登場了! 廣告刊文宣導民眾勿衝動購買!
Thinking of Buying a Ribbit for Easter?
Every Easter,pet stores and breeders exploit baby bunnies as that perfect gift for a child. They are not toys. Rabbits are live animals with feelings and require the same long-term care as dogs and cats. Sadly,most “Easter Bunnies” end up unwanted,neglected,or abandoned once the novelty has worn off.
Choose compassion….don’t make that impulse buy!
By Rabbit Advocacy Group of BC