14 孔廟


Built in 1653 during the Dutch colonization of Taiwan— 在赤崁樓

04 赤崁樓

K'uei Hsing (魁星) statue, a god of examinations, and a servant of the god of literature— 在赤崁樓

03 赤崁樓

Temple worshipping Guan Yu. Established in 1665— 在祀典武廟

10 祀典武廟

Paper money for the Gods (金紙)— 在祀典武廟

09 祀典武廟

Burning incense (燒香)— 在祀典武廟

11 祀典武廟

Tainan Confucian Temple, established in 1665— 在孔廟

12 孔廟

Vending machine— 在孔廟

13 孔廟

Dog stretching— 在孔廟

15 孔廟

School bus behind Tainan Confucian Temple— 在孔廟

16 孔廟

Assembly Hall of Jhongyi Elementary School— 在忠義國小武德殿

17 武德殿

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