“Where”是ㄧ本專門介紹大溫生活休閒吃喝玩樂的觀光小冊! ㄧ個月發行ㄧ次,每月期刊新鮮有趣,翻讀之餘,跟著活動走,大底,所說當地文化絕對可領略ㄧ二!
“Where”,印刷精美,編排風格簡單洗略,紙質用的是兩面塗佈銅版紙,也就是俗稱的雜誌紙! 該雜誌在列治文商場入口裡面的服務台,任人免費取拿!
1. Wreck Beach Butoh
For the 15th year in a row,nude dancers,dressed only in white make-up,explore and sand and water of Canada’s largest clothing-optional beach (Jul 10-11). Sa 10:45 am,Su 11:30 am,rain or shine. Min. $5.00 donation. Photography prohibited. Foot of the #4 trail below the museum of Annthropology at UBC.
Wreck Beach Butoh
One weekend each year (Jul. 10 to 11) dancers clad only in white make-up perform on clothing-optional Wreck Beach. Kokoro Dance provides the choregraphy,while Mother Nature controls the stage,lighting and score. Audience members have been known to rip off their clothes and join in.
2. Underwear Affair
Don your best undies-listen to your mother and don’t wear ones with holes-and your comfiest sneakers and get ready to help a good cause: the 10K run and 5 K walk raise money to research cancers.
3. August 1 a rainbow of gay pride events
PS 1: Wreck Beach是裸體者的天體營海灘! 位置在UBC人類學博物館#4小徑的山腳下!
PS 2: 穿內褲長跑五或十公里馬拉松跑,主題是為“raise money to research cancers”! 籌錢或義賣以幫助癌症基金會,普見的方式是在媒體下落髮剃大光頭!
PS 3: 八月ㄧ號同性戀遊行! 遊行時,同志們穿很露!