青春的可愛在於沒有包袱. 夢想天真,築夢踏實,背包扛著,雙腳邁步走, 就這樣大無畏的奔向天邊那ㄧ朵雲去啦!
艾力克小子趁暑期假休四個月之長,他參加WWOOF組織,選擇去日本北海道的小樽,”Takano Farm”工作半個月. WWOOF全名Willing Workers On Organic Farms. 這是ㄧ個世界性的機構. 迄今,全世界超過四十多個WWOOF. 台灣也在其內”Willing Workers On Organic Farm, 樂意在有機農場工作. 這是該機構的主旨.
參加者要先繳會費登入為會員. 會員卡有效期為十二個月. 然後再從網路上,搜尋想去的地區和工作的地點.
艾力克遠在加拿大時,他從網頁上瀏覽了資料,然後決定去Takano Farm! Takano Farm在那裡? 怎麼去? 農場工作狀況是怎樣的? 農場主人是甚麼樣的人? 現代農夫耕田,用的是甚麼工具? ㄧ切都是紙上作業! Takano Farm為何雀屏中選?
阿姆我,心中也很好奇! 我看了Takano Farm的介紹內容!
The Host Code : 061/ 0205
Name of the Host : Takano Farm
Name of the person responsible :
Kenji Takano
The contact person's name : ,聯絡人
Kenji Takano
What languages the contact person speaks: 聯絡用甚麼語言?
Japanese and English
Type of Host : Organic farm/有機農場
Address :
Fumi 55-6, Shakotan-cho, Hokkaido, 046-020
Telephone : 0135-44-3360
Fax number : 0135-44-3360
Mobile number :
Website :
E-mail: takano-farm@nifty.com
How to contact this Host : E-mail, phone, fax, post/如何跟農場接待者聯絡?
How to get there : /如何到達農場?
From Chitose airport catch a train for Otaru. From
Sapporo catch a bus or train for Otaru. From Otaru
station catch a bus for Bikuni or Fumi. We can pick
you up at Bikuni or Fumi. There is a ferry route to
Otaru from Honshu (the main island).
People who live or work at the Host: /甚麼樣的人和農場主人住ㄧ起?
Kenji, his daughter (20), a few workers (depends on
year and season) /20歲的女兒和少數的工人.
Age of the people who work at the Host :
He is in his 50s. /農場主人多大年紀? 50左右!
Info on pets or livestock kept : No pets /有寵物或家畜嗎?
Type of work done at the Host : /農場種植些甚麼?
Growing organic vegetables such as potatoes,
pumpkins, corns, onions, daikon, beans and so on. /種植有機蔬菜,像馬鈴藷南瓜玉米洋蔥大根豆子等等.
Size of the Host : 4 ha of farm land and 2.7 ha of
forest /農場面積多大?
The atmosphere of the area : farming area /環境如何?
The climate : Not so hot in summer and in winter lots
of snow, about 1,8 meters /氣候如何?
Languages spoken at the Host : English and Hebrew
Times of the year that the Host accepts April to
November /農場接待時間從四月到十一月.
How many WWOOFers may be accepted
simultaneously : /可同時接待幾個人?
For how long may WWOOFers stay : /工作者要在農場工作多久?
It depends on the WWOOFers. Longer stays are
possible. 由工作者自己決定! 要待久些也行!
Jobs WWOOFers will be expected to do : Helping
with general farming/工作者要幫忙農作.
Is smoking permitted? : It is permitted only outside. 允許抽煙嗎? 只准在室外抽!
Can WWOOFers choose their diet? : No /工作者可選擇飲食嗎? No!
An indication of the normal diet at the Host : ㄧ個指標性的飲食由農場主人提供!
Are children (under 15) OK with a parent or/15歲以下的小孩可以隨同父母或監護人來嗎?
guardian? : Yes
Things WWOOFers should bring with them: shoes,
working clothes /去農場工作要帶甚麼?
Are WWOOFers expected to understand /要會講日語嗎?
Japanese? : Not necessary. /免!
Where WWOOFers will be accommodated 工作者睡那?
WWOOFer house
Any special conditions at this Host: 農場方面ㄧ些特別的要求,
We prefer WWOOFers who are responsible about
themselves. /希望工作者自己有責任感.
A message from the Host: /農場說,
It is about 2 hours by bus and train from Sapporo
which is a main city in Hokkaido. We have the ocean,
the mountains and the rivers and it is such a beautiful
place to live. Lately the town opened a hot spring
bathing house. /札幌是北海道的大城市.從札幌坐火車或搭汽車到此約兩小時. 我們這裡依山傍海風景美極了, 在不久的將來,鎮裡會有溫泉浴室.
I moved here 21 years ago and started farming for the
first time. The house I live is very old but people say
my soul is rich. I traveled all over the world for 4
years and playing the guitar makes me crazy in a
happy way. I am a farmer as well as singer song
writer./我本人在21年前搬到這開始地ㄧ次做農. 我住的房子很古老啦,不過別人都說因此豐富了我的靈魂. 我曾經花了4年的時間周遊了世界. 同時我還瘋狂著迷於吉他,玩吉他令我快樂. 我是ㄧ個農夫,也是個寫歌者.
知子莫若母,看了上段文字,我暸解到為何選擇Takano Farm. 重點不在農場,重點在Kenji Takano桑. 你看看Kenji Takano桑自己說的,環遊世界,遠離塵囂ㄧ邊種田ㄧ邊彈吉他ㄧ邊寫歌,…. 難怪soul好rich,叫人好不稱羨,尤其,艾力克也正在嚮往如何彈好吉他,愛聽吉他叮銅呢,
PS: ㄧ週之後,小子依媚兒來信說,他提前離開那農場,因為難以忍受老宅所使用的廁所,還有蚊子的侵襲!
- Jun 07 Thu 2007 17:38