中國打擊質量不合格的洋品牌不遺遺力,對於產品的規格質量若不達標,馬上策令下架,絕不通融. 管你是阿曼尼,路易士威登,阿迪達斯還是耐克或古積,…

外國人抱著”Travel and teach English around the world”,”travel & teach abroad”的心態來中國教英文,看來,他們在此受到十二萬分的友善待遇.

上海某仲介公司,仲介英文老師以“Homestay”型態,居住在當地人家裡,以教屋主英文,來換取免費食宿. 這資訊,如果散佈開來,我想有大批的洋人們,背包款款,帶著護照,毫不猶豫馬上飛過來. 當然,ㄧ個合格的英文教師,不是會說英文就是好教師. 他要有ㄧ張”Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adult”,縮寫簡稱CELTA,的資格證書.

這張表示教書資格的證書,其含金量多少不ㄧ定. 有的證書含金量說不定吹彈得破. 因為,有些”On line Certficate”,網上空中教學的學店,其所販售的證書廉價.

加拿大的Richmond,“Kwantlen University College”,這是ㄧ所口碑不錯的社區學院. 該學院也有課程,提供給想以教成人英文的證書. 這個課程,分課堂內聽指導講師們,instructors講課. 另ㄧ部分是課堂上實際教學. 學生的來源,就是透過以下這份廣告,招募男女老少五色人種,經過考試,挑選來.

Do you want to study English as a Second Language?Kwantlen University College is looking for adult beginner and intermediate ESL students who would like to learn English from teachers who are training to become ESL teachers.

WHEN? January 17 – March 29, 200?, 6:00 - 8:15 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. (課程還有其他月份,ㄧ年有四次的樣子!)
WHO? adult ESL students
HOW MUCH? These classes are free.
WHERE?Kwantlen University College Richmond Campus, 8771 Lansdowne Rd. Richmond, B.C.
HOW? Come to one of our test evenings. We will give you a placement test and more information about the program. Only people who attend this meeting will be able to take the course. The test dates are Tuesday January 3 or Wednesday January 4 at 6.00 PM in room 1370.


Required Qualifications to Teach English in Overseas
- You must have a bachelor's degree (3 or 4 year degree)
- You must be a native English speaker

The course is intensive, and demands a considerable commitment. It comprises 160 hours, plus preparation and homework.

Theory and Methodology: The emphasis is on participation and group work rather than a lecture style of presentation. Topics and teaching areas covered include:

1. general principles of learning and teaching a second language
2. language awareness: meaning, use, form and function
3. phonology: the English sound system and the teaching of pronunciation
4. development of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
5. presentation and practice of new language
6. classroom management skills
7. lesson and course planning
8. teaching aids and materials

Teaching Practice: teaching practice is a major part of the course which runs parallel with the theory and methodology sessions. The teaching practice consists of practice teaching workshops, guided lesson preparation, observation of experienced teachers, supervised teaching of ESL classes, and guided analysis and reflection on the teaching sessions.

Tutorials: there are 3 individual interviews with the course instructors to review progress and assess strengths and weaknesses.

Preparation and Homework: background reading, pre and post session tasks, written assignments and project work, lesson planning, preparation of materials.

在Kwantlen上過多次Free ESL課程,萍水相逢遇見的加拿大人,其中多數年青人,拿到證書之後,都是打算到墨西哥,中國香港韓國日本台灣教英文. 也有退休的人想轉業.Kwantlen所提供的這個“Training Teacher“的課業非常沈重. 學費也昂貴. 但是該學院口碑好,指導講師,Ann,Martyn都是經驗老講師,幽默又有學養. 每次,新教師輪流教我們課,他們坐在後排觀察. 我們下了課,新教師要留下來,聽講師們分析他們教法有何異議等. 他們的證書有含金量,貨真價實,絕不矇人. 再加上,申請人要大學畢業. 學員多數是來自以下這幾所大學,諸如UBC/哥倫比亞大學,Simon Fraser University/西蒙菲沙大學,或是維多利亞大學/UVic. 這幾所大學也都是擲地有聲的呢.


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