Abortion: Women have the right to decide whether they wish to give birth or not. In cases of rape or where a disfigured child is diagnosed, termination should be given as an option. However, one also needs to consider the importance of family planning; unprotected sex should not be taken lightly.
Racism: Racism has been manipulated by political correctness and has drawn undue attention to the issue. People need to understand that racism is unjust treatment (positive or negative) to people of different ethnicity. Positive discrimination is equally unproductive; paranoia over colours should not be a result of anti-racism.
Sounds: ‘Dislike: Women gossiping; women cachinnating; voices of CTI, ETTV, TVBS reporters; teenagers gossiping; phone-line internet noise; door screaking; farting; rice cars farting; lawn mowers.
Sounds: ‘Like: Clock ticking; exhaust from quality engines; trains chugging; birds chirpings; cello; waves; tires and ground; clothes in dryers.
Smells: ‘Dislike: Vomit; fart; bad breath; money, especially coins; car exhausts; petrol; dog shit; cigarette smoke; whiteouts; burnt plastic; new car; bleach; tarmac; hospital.
Smells: ‘Like: sawn timber; ocean; wood smoke; clean people; morning; fresh brewed coffee; real leather.
Touchs: ‘Dislike: Glue; slime; shit; sweaty people; grease; wet grass; wet hair; wet clothes; wax; old books.
Touchs: ‘Like: Dry sand; beans; females’ breasts; warm clothes; clean people; dry drift wood; freshly ironed clothes; uncooked rice; unshaved beard (mine); two-day old bike gloves; clean pillows.
People: Difficult to pin down, because there are always exceptions. In general, I dislike people who are arrogant, ill-mannered, egotistic, unnecessarily violent, and lacking passion.
Chinese: The main purpose of this post, really, is to talk about this. I don’t not like people of the Chinese ethnicity, but it is true that most of the Chinese I have met I don’t like. See ‘People’, most of the Chinese I’ve met are ill-mannered and arrogant. While waiting for the 620 bus just last weekend when I was heading back to Richmond, everyone lined up except for two Chinese girls. I recognised their ethnicity when they spoke in their Chinese dialect. On the 98-B bus, two males talked notably loud in Mandarin with their Beijing accent. This is not just a ‘bad’ day, as I have had similar experience with other Chinese throughout my life. Of course, there are few honourable exceptions but not many. I blame their behaviours mainly on the Cultural Revolution and the encouraged competition in coastal Chinese cities. Conversely, most of the Thai I have met I like, perhaps due to their faithfulness in Buddhism, where respect to others are praised. That said, history, culture and tradition do play an important role in one’s development. I do generalise the Chinese when I mention them, but you need to understand why they are generalised, and how they can be generalised.
Monday, March 27, 2006
- Apr 02 Sun 2006 22:12
What’s a blog without a self interview?