The Vancouver Sun Run 每年定期在五月上旬的週日舉行! 老小艾父子兩說,住溫十來年竟然不曾參加過太陽跑,這頗為說不出去!
父子決定報名今年的太陽跑! 又因為報名決定的慢,所以愈晚報名,該受逞罰,早報名費用加幣$35.00! 現在報名費用加幣$45.00,ㄧ個人跑跑的費用合台幣$1350.00,算起錢來真揪心! 真不懂我跑我留汗,報名費還那麼高!
2009年參加太陽跑的人數近六萬人! 近六萬人跑者的報名費,主辦單位幕集後捐助慈善機構!
起程: 9:00 AM
跑程: 10K
路線: You will head west down Georgia Street, turn left on Denman and immediately right onto Robson heading into Stanley Park. You will cut through Stanley Park on Lagoon Drive (past the pitch and putt), turn onto Park Drive and exit the park on to Beach Avenue. The course continues along the shoreline of English Bay to Hornby Street, where you will take a left-hand turn up the only steep hill to Pacific..
費用: Before Jan 31
Feb 1-Mar 31
Apr 1-May 8
跑程10K! 10K的跑程艱辛喔! 老艾不敢小覤! 他日日在跑步機上跑得汗流夾背,又做拉扯壯臂等運動! 今日去史堤夫史頓跑公園,回來後說太陽跑沒問題啦!